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​​ISBA encourages you to share your voice! Learn about how to get involved in current projects, advocacy campaigns at state and national levels, stay up to date on policy developments, and take action right here in Iowa.

Current Projects

ISBA provides our members with opportunities to be actively involved in shaping a sustainable economy. Our projects range greatly from renewable energies to health care. ISBA acts as a neutral entity that works as a platform for collaboration.

National Advocacy Campaigns

Many of our campaigns apply both on the state and national level. Through our relationship with the ASBC, we have access to a wider network, and representation in Washington, DC, as we continue to develop and sustain our local ISBA network in Iowa.

Take Action

Learn More

ISBA seeks to be an educational platform in two ways: First, we research and communicate to Iowa business about opportunities and legislation, both currently in place and on the table. Second, we help inform policy makers and the media how our members what to shape the future economy to be equitable, socially conscious and environmentally aware.

Iowa Advocacy Campaigns

ISBA makes it accessible for Iowa businesses to have their voice heard at the local and state levels. ISBA represents a collective, that together becomes a powerful voice to strengthen policy changes. We believe that by working together we can reinvent an economy in pursuit of a healthy environment and social well-being.

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