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ISBA makes it's debut!​

Jeffery Hollander, founder of Seventh Generation, board member of Greenpeace, and co-founder of the American Sustainable Business Council, gave the keynote address at FAIRfest 2013. His speech “The Responsibility Revolution” covered topics of corporate and environmental responsibility on a local, state and national level.


Jeffrey was joined by three leaders of sustainability in Iowa: Brenda Nations (the environmental coordinator for Iowa city, Adam Hammes (Kum & Go's director of sustainability), and Scott Timm (Fairfield, Iowa's coordinator of sustainability). They shared their efforts and progress of moving towards a more sustainable future from levels of government, community, and corporate.


The Responsibility Revolutions event officially inaugurated ISBA! With an incredible kick-off from Jeffrey Hollender, ISBA begins its work advocating for a prosperous, accountable, and just Iowa economy.



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